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Golden Age – it’s not only about gold teeth

Do you have a very old grandfather? Does an elderly woman live in your building?

If you open your eyes around you and listen to what the elderly say, you will discover an extremely rich inner world second to none.

A rich past, a fascinating life experience, an interesting history and a complex life story make up the personality mosaic of an individual at an old age. Add to that all those dreams, enchanting desires and hidden aspirations that were never expressed, and you’ll get a rich and satisfied soul that integrates a distant past with a near future that tries to surge ahead despite limitations.

We at Chasdei Yossef know that beautiful aspect of the soul. We look at people in a way that oversees the wrinkles, and doesn’t hear that deep, chronic cough, which doesn’t sense the stooping of the back and doesn’t smell the miserable old woman’s smell in the old house.

With that perspective we established Be’er Miriam – a day center and a club for the golden age.

The first place for the golden age

Our club is dynamic and vibrant, and is intended for women of the elderly community in the inner city, from the age of 65 to…? One hundred and twenty!

You can meet Mrs. Bella, the 97-year-old Holocaust survivor who doesn’t miss any meeting at the club!

And not only her. All the female participants wait for the days of the meetings, eagerly anticipating the fresh spirit that the program offers them and the energy it packs for the rest of the day.

At the club, the elderly women are treated to coffee and cake, a daily Torah lesson on morality, a Torah portion and current affairs, as well as diversified activities. The lively participation and the high level of enjoyment that the elderly women experience prove that the golden age can live through great times of fulfillment and progress. In the yearly planning of the activities calendar, we focus on quality and beneficial content on the one hand, as well as fun and liberation on the other. The program consists of health-promoting exercises and physical-activity lessons, cognitive training to improve memory and strengthen cognitive abilities, group work in art and handcrafts, and even dance to the tunes of music in order to bolster the body and mind.

Year round, during the Jewish holidays, various events and highly-invested holiday parties take place. On various occasions, the female participants leave for trips and excursions to Rachel’s Tomb, museums and various other sites.

But even that marvelous routine is powerful enough to fill up leisure time with blessed activities.

The club alleviates loneliness, strengthens one’s sense of security, provides a sense of belonging and provides more power for coping.

From loneliness to friendship

Women who closed themselves up in their homes, shunned themselves off and faded away for lack of social interaction and activity were revitalized and gratified through the collaboration and satisfaction from the group. Take Esther for example, who for several years did not leave her home, except for a visit to the doctor … since she began her visits to the club, she started to live again: she tells her friends about her childhood in Persia (present-day Iran), shares her feelings, requires less medication, and her mental state has markedly improved.

New and courageous bonds are being formed at the club, with sincere concern and a warm and loving atmosphere as a top concern for Chasdei Yossef.

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